Monthly Archives: February 2022

Awesome Gang Hosts Willow on her First Tour Stop …

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Awesome Gang Hosts Willow on her First Tour Stop … Hey everyone! Very pleased to present this feature on my […]

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Happy Family Day 2022!!!

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Happy Family Day 2022!!!   Wishing all Ontarians a very Happy Family Day 2022!! Cheers! Rusty B.

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Rusty Sends Early Valentines Greetings …

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Rusty Sends Early Valentines Greetings … Welcome Readers! Yesterday I videoed my early Valentine’s Day greetings that I cordially invite […]

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The 5-star Perils of Autumn Embarks on a New Book Tour…

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The 5-star Perils of Autumn Embarks on a New Book Tour   The 5-star-multi-award-winning romantic fiction drama, The Perils of […]

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Ideas For Valentine’s Day ….

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Ideas For Valentine’s Day …. Hey everyone! Valentines Day is just around the corner. Celebrate it with a stirring romantic […]

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