Rusty’s March Newsletter 2020 …
- Posted on 29th March 2020
- in 'Inspiration in Thought', Best Romance Novels, Fiction Romance Novels, Newsletters, Return to Autumn, Romance Drama, Romance Fiction, Romantic Fiction, Romantic Fiction Author Rusty Blackwood, The Perils of Autumn, Willow's Walk
- by admin
Rusty’s March Newsletter 2020…
Hi everyone! Well, I don’t have to say that this month has been different than any before for me and everyone, and I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Because the month has been different, so is this Newsletter, and by that, I mean not quite the usual. I only did one event and that was on March 8th before things went upside down. I did my first book signing for The Perils of Autumn, my 5-star romantic drama, now a Finalist in Romance at the latest International Book Awards, and The American Fest Best Book Awards, both out of Los Angeles, CA, and my 5-star-award-winning romantic fiction drama, Willow’s Walk and that event took place at Ancaster Indigo in Ancaster, Ontario. My youngest son Jason assisted me and photographed it for me. You can check that out by taking this secure link:
I have not taken further engagements in the area and will not be taking any until my next local public event, happening June 7th at Pen Center Coles in St. Catharines. That is still standing unless this present crisis increases, then I will be cancelling. Please check my official website from time to time for updates and info as they will be listed in my Journal/Blog.
Online activity still continues and I invite you to check out my latest interview, this one by Romance Hideaway. As interviews appear daily, be sure to scroll down for mine at
As you can imagine, inspiration to write is difficult at this time, however I am managing to get some work done on my upcoming romantic drama, Return to Autumn, the follow-up to The Perils of Autumn. I recently, this past week in fact from Monday, March 23rd to Friday, March 27th, offered Free Kindle Downloads of Willow’s Walk & Derwood Goes Caribbean for anyone wishing to escape the present turmoil through a page-turning romantic drama and or a knee-slapping comedy and I hope those who took advantage of my offer enjoy their time within the pages of their download.
In keeping with my recent offer, I am featuring another complete chapter from Return to Autumn, with Chapter 9
If I Am Exceptionally Careful
Quietly entering his bedroom suite, Cyril suggested Abby sit contentedly on the sofa, and enjoy the lovely pictures in his wife’s Little Golden Books collection while he woke her mother to have a chat. After she was settled into a wonderland of whimsy, Cyril strolled to the bed where his wife lay sleeping soundly in the same position in which he had left her.
Settling on the mattress beside her, he innocently run his right hand up the smooth fabric covering her left hip, as he softly said, “Darling, I need you to wake. There are a few things that require discussion.” She did not stir, and he repeated himself twice. Finally, she opened her eyes, rolled onto her right side, and looked about as if she didn’t know where she was. “Tis fine, my love,” Cyril soothed, and instantly patted her thigh. “I regret to wake you. You do need your rest, and you looked so lovely when I entered the room, but I truly require your audience.”
“Hmm,” she mused as her husband’s face came into focus, “I was really zonked. Mm, I don’t ever remember feeling so wiped-out. Then again, anesthesia gases do tend to linger in the system. Where is Abby?”
Gesturing toward the sofa, he answered, “In the land of fairies, I expect. The delightful characters are keeping her occupied while we chat.”
“Okay, as long as she’s gentle with those books. I don’t want them damaged in any way. As you know, they are not only valuable, they are most dear to me.”
Nodding his head, he acknowledged, “I know; she is fine. She is simply viewing the wonderful artwork and trying to sound out basic words we have been studying.”
“Well, if you say so. What did you want to discuss?”
Cyril sat fidgeting, unsure of what he was about to say. He did not want to upset her, nor did he want to argue, but what he needed to talk about could no longer wait.
“As you know, the steeplechase is happening this Saturday and, well, Dan is entered, and Duff was to ride him. However, I just found out that Danny is refusing to let Duff mount him, which brings me to inquire … well … if I am exceptionally careful …”
Autumn’s head may have been in the clouds since yesterday, but she knew only too well what he was beating around the bush about.
“You’re planning to ride that steeplechase, aren’t you, even though you promised me you never would again.”
“My dear, I honestly do not wish to break my promise; I know how stressed you were during the last run; however, Manfred carries too much weight for Danny in a steeplechase. This will be Dan’s last one as he is now nineteen, and after this year that race would be too strenuous for him.”
Without emotion, Autumn said, “Then scratch him.”
Cyril had thought about doing that, yet he felt his dapple-grey champion should be allowed one last hurrah, and a steeplechase could provide that accolade like no other. Sir Dapper Dan was a hunter, and though a thoroughbred, did not partake in racing events other than the spring and fall Meadow’s Steeplechases. He had not run one since he won the March steeplechase in 1971, and if a horse could voice their opinion, Cyril was certain Dan would have taken issue with the five that had since run without him in the lineup.
“Dan is up for this and … so am I. We can do this together. I hope you can understand what this means, to both of us. Do think about it if you would … however … if you truly don’t want me to ride the race, then I won’t.”
Autumn was suddenly torn. She, more than anyone realized what this kind of thing meant to her husband, yet she also remembered the outcome following the last one. Five years may have past, and his back, thanks to surgery was stronger than before that steeplechase, but his back, as well as the rest of him was five years older. He was a father and was going to be again; she just didn’t want to gamble on anything altering that in any way.
She let her gaze travel to Abby, inwardly smiling at the way the little girl studied the pictures, and silently mouthed the letters of a word catching her eye. Autumn also knew the connection between her husband and his horse. In many ways their bond was as strong as any human could form with another human, they understood each other, felt each other’s emotions, loved each other unconditionally. Yet with all the pluses, she could not rid her mind of how close he had come to falling in that last steeplechase when his foot became dislodged from the stirrup. If he had not managed to retrieve his footing, he might have lost his balance, possibly fallen, and from there it would have been up to God as to whether he would have survived. She didn’t know what she would do without him. She realized the answer to this uncertainty would eventually come, but it did not have to come during this Saturday’s steeplechase. Surely, he can understand where I’m coming from, she thought precariously, but she would find out right now.
“I know what you’re asking as well as why. I also know how much it means to you … but … your health — your very life — means more to me than anything in this world. Please, don’t do this to me. Don’t ride that race.”
The expression on Cyril’s face revealed his disappointment. On one hand he was touched to know how important he was to her, but on the other he had hoped she would have shown a bit more support towards his horsemanship.
Settling her hand upon his, she confessed, “I have disappointed you, babe, I know I have, and I’m sorry. But I am not going to be made feel guilty because of it. You’re going to be a father again, that should be first and foremost in your mind. Also, if you cannot think of the coming baby, then think of Dan, his age. He is not a young horse by any means, and regardless of how well conditioned he is, the pounding his body will take will not do him one bit of good.”
Both subjects had not escaped Cyril’s thoughts. His wife was right; it was time he realized that his and Dan’s time in any form of competition was coming to an end. They could possibly do show-events for quite some time yet, but steeple chasing was out of the picture.
With a long sigh, he affirmed, “I know. I don’t even know what gave me the idea to think we could endure the steeplechase. I suppose tis habit, and one that will forever be hard to break. I will contact the committee and remove Dan from the entrant’s list. The entry fee is nonreturnable, but it goes to the upkeep of the equestrian grounds, so tis well worth the monetary loss. And besides, tis not like I am retiring from my horses, I expect to have another Triple Crown winner in Strike Path. He is coming along well, and by Derby time next year he will be a force to be reckoned with. Does this make you feel better, my love?”
It made Autumn feel relief, but she did not feel remorse in any way. As a very young woman she had learned to trust her instincts, and though there were times they steered her off course, for the most part, they were dead on. This was another way in which she was like her mother, and the older she grew the more she was morphing into Abigail. That’s not so bad, she thought, smiling as she did, for she could not think of a better way to conduct herself. She rearranged her body beneath the sheet, again stretching out on her back, and letting her hands caress her lower abdomen.
“It’s almost impossible to believe there’s a little one in here. I had no idea. If I had, I would have never been on Pal’s back, and I would have definitely not agreed to a Fenton.”
With seriousness, Cyril asked, “What exactly is a Fenton Procedure?”
“In layman’s terms, it means removal of excessive scar tissue through scrapping, and then suctioning them away. It is done under general anesthesia, which was why I was totally out. The Fenton would have been followed by a D&C to clean everything away. It’s a good thing Dr. Klosterman’s pace is that of a snail, otherwise our baby would be gone.”
“My darling, I am thankful he moved slowly too. However, that does not excuse your going ahead with a procedure like that without first discussing it with me —”
“Well would you have supported my decision?”
“I realize how you have felt during intimacy, Miss Autumn. It hurt me too knowing the discomfort you were experiencing and taking that into consideration I would have supported any procedure that would have alleviated that discomfort. But I do not appreciate being kept in the dark about such things. You must always feel you can tell me anything, regardless of how you think it will affect me. You mean the world to me, my beautiful girl, nothing will ever change that.”
Autumn immediately sat erect and pulled Cyril against her, embracing him tightly while softly kissing his neck. Glancing towards Abby, she did her best to be discreet, and so far, all was well.
“I promise I will never keep something like this from you again. I will have to have a Fenton done following the upcoming birth, that is if I can even give natural birth. I may have to have a section. But that’s far away, and a decision that will be made when the time is right. I promise you; you will be kept abreast of all procedures. Now, can you promise me the same?”
Realizing to what she was referring, he replied, “Yes, I promise. I am also hoping that following the baby’s birth – when enough time has lapsed – you will return to the back of Ladies Pal and your exercises for the show ring. You had perfect form the other day. I was taken aback to see how wonderfully straight-backed you sat, so tall, commanding, perfect posture. With Pal’s long legs, and your slender form sitting so proudly, the effect was elegance personified.”
“Thank you, Cyril. Coming from you, that is such an encouraging compliment. You caught me somewhat off guard. I didn’t think you and Abby would return as soon as you did. I was truly enjoying myself — surprising myself too. It had been such a long time since I’d sat on Pal’s back, but it felt thrilling. I too can’t wait to get back into it, but mostly, to do you and Landon Lawns proud.”
“You will, Miss Autumn, of that I’ve no doubt. Now, my love, I shall take our beautiful princess down to the kitchen for tea. I shall also check on Agnes; she had an episode today. I called Dr. Boxford, and he and Brent Bellow’s wife came right over. He said she was experiencing a spasm in her right hip. He gave her a muscle relaxant; said she must stay off her feet for a few days. She is in the downstairs bedroom. I thought it best she does not climb the stairs. Also, I have contacted the Domestic Agency and inquired maid service, who came right out for an interview. Tis the maid that comes to take care of the jockey quarters. She’s a bit … well, how should I say … a down home Kentucky girl, certainly not shy. I told her you and Agnes were not available today and that you both will need to speak with her. I inquired if she could come Monday morning, to which she agreed. Agnes is not keen on her, then again you know our Agnes.”
“Awe, yeah, I do, but you were wise to have the woman wait until Monday. I don’t think I could have interviewed her today. Now, my dear, would you mind bringing me some tea, and possibly something to nibble? Please do the same for Agnes and be sure she takes her scheduled meds. In the meantime, I’ll just rest my eyes.”
“Not to worry, my dear, I have things under control, as well as the women in my manor. Be back soon,” and he kissed her softly, before taking Abby by the hand, and leaving the room.
For those who enjoy escape through poetry, I offer the chance to do so through these two poems from my poetry collection, Impressions, also found at my official poetry site: Inspiration in Thought. Please take these secure links and be sure to click accompanying music selection at the bottom of the page. I hope you enjoy.
A Rainy Day in Paris
Writer’s Child
This has been a different, and rather long Newsletter, but hopefully it will help take your mind off your concerns and be replaced with enjoyment. I wish each of you a memorable and Blessed Easter, and as I close this Newsletter, I ask God’s Generous Blessings Be upon each of you. Stay safe, remain positive, and be well.
Rusty B.
Tags: 'Willow's Walk', best romance novels, Canadian Indie author Rusty Blackwood, Canadian Indie Romance author Rusty Blackwood, Derwood Goes Caribbean, drama, fiction romance novels, fictional romance, Indie author Rusty Blackwood, literary news, media, newsletters, romance author, romance novelist, romance novelist Rusty Blackwood, romantic fiction author Rusty Blackwood, The Perils of Autumn
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