Merry Christmas from author Rusty Blackwood! …


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Merry Christmas from author Rusty Blackwood! …

Festive Greetings Everyone! Welcome to my Christmas Newsletter. I am sending out the Newsletter early as to be able to bring my Christmas greetings to each of you. If I’d waited until its usual time, Christmas will have passed, thus the early arrival. As you will notice, except for a complete chapter from my upcoming novel, Return to Autumn, the continuing story of The Perils of Autumn, the Newsletter itself is short, however, it also contains a personal message from me.


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Working Cover for Return to Autumn

In keeping with the festive season of both giving and sharing, I would like to bring to you in its entirety, Chapter 24 from Return to Autumn.

What Can Happen When Nerves Take Over


 The twenty fifth of September had arrived and with it a bundle of nerves within Autumn’s unsettled stomach. She never recalled feeling this way before, not even on the day she wrote her final exam to see if she would earn her black band upon her nursing cap. Yet this was a different set of nerves. This time, she would be seated upon the back of a twelve-hundred-pound living machine with lightning speed and the will of a champion. Ladies Pal loved to win. He also loved competition. He had competed enough throughout his earlier years to develop a taste for success, and today would be no different in the way he would approach the stringent course. Autumn could not help wondering if she could fully contain him, especially should he take the mind to run. However, both horse and nervous rider had become friends, partners, and in the equine world of show jumping, they had become one.

“You hardly ate enough to bother swallowing,” affirmed Agnes, her eyes scrutinizing the remaining breakfast on Autumn’s plate. “You will require stamina; now eat!”

The housecoat-clad woman realized the housekeeper was right, but she knew if she tried, her stomach would smartly return it. “I’m sorry, Agnes, you are right, of course, however I cannot manage another bite. Please take it away. I shall just finish my tea; hopefully it will settle my stomach. Besides, I must get dressed.”

Shaking her head, Agnes concluded, “Whatever you wish, dear. I believe Cyril has already dressed and is in the stable with Manfred seeing to your horse.”

“Typical Cyril, the horse always comes first,” Autumn sighed, continuing to sip her tea.

“Cannot expect him to change this late in the game, Mrs.,” remarked Agnes knowingly. “I don’t think he could, even if he tried.”

“I realize this, yet he knows how nervous I was upon rising this morning. Truth be known, it kept me going to settle down enough to sleep, which wasn’t much. I don’t know how Cyril does it. He slept like a baby the entire night while I tossed and turned beside him.”

“He is obviously not worried, Autumn, he knows your ability, as well as that of your horse. You both will do splendidly, I’ve not one doubt. You know, I sometimes wish I had mounted a fiery beast and had a right old rip about. But I never did. However, I greatly admire women who do, like Alice, and now you.”

Must be doing something right to be coupled with Alice, Autumn thought, smiling as she did. Her admiration of Alice Landon had never wavered throughout the years since she’d been gone. She truly left her mark, in so many ways, and Autumn had always felt fortunate to have known her, if only for the five months that she had.

Letting her memories surface, Autumn confessed, “I was truly fortunate to have known her, Agnes, even for the relatively short time I did. We had some fine conversations on those long afternoons where she spoke of her years with horses, competitions, as well as that bond she shared with Cyril, that I have been fortunate to now share and understand. Oh, I hope I do him proud today. I certainly intend to give it my best shot.”

“That is all anyone can do, Autumn. I remember my dear old father telling me just that when I was but a small girl. I have always tried to put it into practise daily. Now, I really do think you should be off to your bedroom; the time is fleeting.”

Within the hour, Autumn stood before the full-length cheval mirror, checking her reflection, that of which allowed a strikingly tall, auburn-haired woman now sporting a form-fitting riding habit boasting Landon Lawns bluegrass green and cream, to stare back. She was satisfied with her look, even more pleased in knowing she was representing her husband’s celebrated stables. She applied a quick dusting of taupe blush across the apples of her cheeks, an up-sweep of auburn mascara to her thick lashes, finishing with a dash of coral to her full lips. She turned around twice to be certain her black patent boots were a shiny as they could be, wrapped her long hair into a ponytail, donned her riding gloves, and securing her black leather helmet within her left hand, strode to the back stairs to descend to the kitchen.

“You look ripping, Ms. Leeves-Landon,” announced Agnes proudly, realizing the equestrian-clad woman before her was not only representing her best friend’s stables in today’s competition, but she was his pride and joy. “You will seat your horse as a queen upon her steed.”

“Why, thank you, Agnes, that is so nice of you to say. I wish you were coming to watch.”

“That would be lovely, however, I shall be controlling your determined child while you and her father are away.”

“Yes, but are you sure you can handle it without becoming too tired?”

“But of course, Autumn; besides, Tamborly will be here within the hour. Abby quite likes her; I believe that is a good thing. Now, be off with you, and the best of luck!”

The two embraced quickly, and heading out the door, Autumn called, “I am off to victory, Agnes!” She smiled, realizing how far the two of them had come. A few years ago, an embrace – slight or not – would have been the last thing on either of their minds. It had felt good, and it helped to ease her nerves, at least for the moment.

The fifth wheel containing Ladies Pal was backing out of the stable’s main entrance, as Autumn arrived to find a cheerful William and his elated boss waiting by the limo.

“Darling!” exclaimed Cyril jubilantly. “You look absolutely smashing! My colours never looked more vibrant. Are you ready to become a star?”

A star? Autumn thought in silent question, and her settled nerves suddenly erupted as if a frantic flock of butterflies needed immediate escape.

Taking a deep breath, she replied, “I am determined to do my best, but I can’t promise anything, so I won’t.”

“It will be fine, darling. Tis good to feel nerves, helps to keep everything in perspective. Even I still experience nerves when standing on the cusp of competition.”

“You?!” blurted Autumn, not certain she had heard correctly.

“Why yes, Miss Autumn. Any competitor worth their salt experiences a fit of nerves; call it stage fright if you will.”

“Wow, I never thought of it that way. A good picture to form in the mind though. I shall keep that image and give it my all.”

“And you shall! Now, settle beside me, and we shall be off!”

As the huge black limo passed before the manor, Autumn could see Agnes with Abby in front of her waving out the front door. Smiling as she waved back, Autumn tried her best to center on her husband’s words concerning nerves, but as the limo sped toward the venue, those nerves were back, continuing to rise, as she thought, How am I going to pull this off without messing up? I haven’t had near enough time let alone practice. Oh, God, whatever have I gotten myself into? She swore her thoughts were so loud both Cyril and William could hear every word. She was certain they could hear her pounding heart as it threatened to burst through her chest. At least I wouldn’t have to go through with this, she thought, visualizing the scene, yet quickly realized how utterly ridiculous it sounded. I can do this — I can — I must. Oh, Momma, be with me through this. Give me the confidence you always did whenever I faced something, I was certain I couldn’t.

The Meadows Equestrian Center was before them, as the limo entered the gate and made its way to the parking area by the huge stable housing the day’s entrants. The arena was located to the immediate right which meant the competitors had not far to ride before entering the venue. There was even a mobile canopy that could be used should rain threaten, but it was not required this day for the sun shone brightly. Eleven o’clock loomed. These events were always on time. The Meadows were known for their punctuality, and they had never started late.

Cyril emerged from the limo with a huge smile, showing confidence and pride in the horsewoman representing his stables this day.

Holding his gloved hand to her, he said, “Tis time to shine, my darling. Manfred and his assistant have Ladies Pal tacked up and waiting. You may mount when ready, and have a bit of exercise should you like, and I advise you both do. You are number five on the program. I know all the stables entered today; they are all members of the Equestrian Center, and all residents of The Meadows. Now, I do not wish to add more nerves to your overflowing plate, but you are the only woman competitor on the roaster. However, you are not the only novice. Bluegrass Acres is trying out a new jockey, and he will be competing after you. Pal has gone up against all the entrants listed today and has never been beaten by any of them. How are you feeling?”

She stood before him, trembling, feeling light-headed, no longer sure of her balance. She realized it was the over-abundance of nerves, and if she could only take a few deep breaths she would be fine. She went to step forward, but suddenly lost all sensation as everything went black. She was falling, but Cyril’s quick response adverted possible injury when his arms encircled her body and held her tightly against him.

“William!” he called quickly. “Help me here. She’s fainted! … Darling,” he soothed, “let me help you to sit back in the limo. All will be well … William, fetch some water and alert Manfred that he may need to ride in her stead. But we shall wait for a few moments to see. I am certain tis just nerves.”

Autumn fought to stay aware. She realized what had happened, as well as how foolish she must look. The light headed feeling was clearing; she could breath deeply. Taking the glass of water being offered, she sipped it slowly, knowing the needed oxygen within it would soon kick-in.

“Darling, how are you feeling?”

Nodding her head, Autumn replied, “Much better, thanks. I … I don’t know what came over me … no, I do know, it was just nerves. I’m sorry, Cyril. I’ll be fine, I just need to sit for a bit. Good thing Pal and I aren’t first. … I can do this. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you certain, Miss Autumn? I should have a doctor check you; I believe Elliott and a couple of the clinic staff are looking after medical issues that may arise throughout the event.”

“Not to worry, Cyril, my pulse is fine, and my head is clear. I’m embarrassed enough without having Elliot find out. Possibly Manfred could exercise Pal for a bit, and then I’ll take over. Would that be okay?”

Breathing deeply, Cyril showed his concern, but he also trusted his wife’s medical judgement. He realized she was being honest, as always in times like this, so he would trust her.

“Yes, Manfred can take over for a bit. We have time. You sit quiet, sip your water, and relax. I must say, my heart was in my mouth when your legs gave way. Your welfare is always first and foremost. The course will be difficult, and even though Pal can negotiate it with no difficulty, I want you to be sure you can safely ride him.”

“I can, my love. I will be fine. Please, Cyril, let me do this. Let me represent you … most of all, let me make you proud of me.”

“My beautiful girl, I am proud of you. I don’t need you to show me this on a jump course during a competition. However, if you are certain everything is fine, then we shall proceed.”

It was what she wanted to hear. She refused to back down; she never had before, not if memory served her correctly concerning anything that she had put her mind to. She would make that moment of weakness up to him when they arrived home, but for now, she would show her worth, her strength, and the love for this thrilling sport in which Cyril had made her introduction.


I truly feel the best and most direct way to direct one’s sentiments is through live video. I taped this Christmas video on December 19th to be sure I had it ready in plenty of time, so I do hope you enjoy my efforts 😊


As I bring this Newsletter to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you who kindly and generously continue to support me in the many ways that you do. It is greatly appreciated, for without you, the self-publishing road would be a very difficult and uphill battle.

I would also like to wish each of you a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year. May 2020 be your best year yet!

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See you ‘next year’!

Cheers 😊

Rusty B

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