Rusty Urges You To Have A Watch …

Rusty Urges You To Have A Watch …


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Dear Readers,

I have not commented publically on the horrific goings-on here in Canada, and throughout the world concerning this Covid 19 virus, but I can be quiet no longer. I have watched what began as an unknown virus that was supposedly knew – or novel – that no-one knew anything about except that it was deadly. This was back in January & February and it came to Canada in March of this year. It may not have been stopped, but it could have been drastically reduced in cases had the federal government acted swiftly and responsibly, instead, they did not close airports to international flights, especially those from China, specifically Wuhan and the surrounding areas where the virus was said to have developed. The liberal government tries to pardon themselves, in the very least, pass the buck from one to the next stating they did, but they did not.

After a while, once more was known about the virus and the information released by reputable doctors and virologists … whose findings were later swept under the carpet … countries were told to expect deaths into the millions — never happened. They called it a pandemic. They should have called it what it is, a PLANDEMIC, planned specifically by goverment elites and globalists to assert their long-awaited Agenda 21 – the big reset – Sustainable Development Goals. Bankrupt the countries and control their people.

I do not want to say or claim that there is no covid virus, there still is, but unless you are elderly, or those with immune deficiency, it is no worse than the flu. The recovery rate is at 99%. When this virus was in its beginning stages here in Ontario and throughout Canada, I am certain everywhere else, masks were not used nor were they being mandated. It would have been understandable ‘then’, but after the curve was flattened, all of a sudden masks were ordered by the mayors to be worn while inside stores. Entrance doors to stores state masks or face coverings must be worn unless accompanied by a doctor’s note stating you are unable to wear one. I have since discovered that doctors are being told by the government that they will be fined if they issue one. What is wrong with this picture? Bill Gates had met virtually with all mayors clear across Canada just before the mask order was issued. A nefarious meeting indeed, as Bill Gates, of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who believe in depopulating the world through vaccines, suddenly appears, speaks to all mayors, resulting in mandatory mask wearing “until a vaccine can be developed and forced.” I could say much more about Bill Gates and the endless African children who mysteriously died after being injected by one of his vaccines, and women in India who found themselves suddenly sterilized courtesy of a Gates vaccine. The man is wanted in India. I suggest you use your favourite search engine and check this out as well as Bill Gates. In my opinion, and many, many more people’s opinions, he is a madman. No-one but God has the right to choose who lives and who dies, not some self-appointed rich computer geek who cares for nothing but money and surrounds himself with like-minded globalists.

The Canadian Charter of Rights states that no Canadian citizen can be forced against his or her will to submit to any test, vaccine, or examination without their written consent. Yet here is Dr. Terresa Tam, cheif public health officer of Canada, who intends to force the vaccine and round up those who refuse. This vaccine, especially if it’s a Bill Gates vaccine, contains a chip to track you, and most appallingly, alter your DNA. This chip will be controlled by the 5G network being installed everywhere.  Don’t believe me, research it.

I do not intend to write a novel here, as I am known for, but I would like you to watch, and hopefully share this video below. It tells it exactly like it is, the farce this ‘plandemic’ is, and what it’s  become as well as the planned reason behind it. It is all explained in laymen’s terms so you don’t need a dictionary to understand. Now our premier, who is going right along hand in hand with the globalists liberal government, is planning another lockdown. I have news for him. I will not be complying, nor will thousands of others who are on to it, the entire scheme, and what it’s all about. We must take back our country, for if we do not, our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and beyond, will have no future except living like slaves. If I can do whatever I can to stop this, I will. I hope you will too.




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